Parenting is one of life's great joys. As any parent knows, it also presents challenges, and when a child has experienced trauma early in life, through separation from biological family, loss of culture and country of birth, abuse or neglect, institutional life, intensive medical procedures, exposure to chronic stress, alcohol and other drugs in utero, or traumatic grief, normal parenting challenges take on an additional layer of complexity.
Our newest thearpist, Susan Richardson, LPC, NCC, is preparing to facilitate a live, seven-session parenting group that speaks directly to these challenges and offers a trauma-informed, developmentally-attuned lens through which to respond. This group, Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI(R)) Caregiver Training, teaches three core sets of principles upon which parenting a child who has experienced trauma can offer hope and healing. Empowering Principles lay the foundation of the approach, exploring a child's holistic needs and learning to anticipate and plan for those needs in ways that promote recovery from trauma. Connecting Principles are the core of the approach; they focus on the importance of establishing or repairing ruptures in attachment between parents and children. Lastly, Correcting Principles form the basis for developing trauma-sensitive ways to respond to and disarm fear-based behaviors.
This group is forming now and space is limited in order to provide plenty of time for participants to interact with and discuss the material each week. Exact dates will be determined as the group forms, based on the needs of participants. The cost of the group is $50/session for an individual and $75/session for two people (this can be spouses or partners, and we also strongly encourage single parents to find a family member, regular babysitter, or close friend to register with them so they can be confident of having "backup" in parenting from someone who equally understands and follows this approach.
To learn more or register, contact us or call Susan Richardson, LPC, NCC, at 404.394.1096, extension 3.
More about TBRI(R):
TBRI(R) is a parenting program developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Cross of the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development based on research into attachment, sensory processing, and neuroscience. To learn more about the model itself, check out the video below from the TCU Karyn Purvis Institute for Child Development website: